شبكة واحة العلوم الثقافية
أسعدتنا زيارتك و أضاءت الدنيا بوجودك

أهلا بك فى شبكة واحة العلوم الثقافية

يسعدنا تواجدك معنا يدا بيد و قلبا بقلب

لنسبح معا فى سماء الإبداع

ننتظر دخولك الآن

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شبكة واحة العلوم الثقافية
أسعدتنا زيارتك و أضاءت الدنيا بوجودك

أهلا بك فى شبكة واحة العلوم الثقافية

يسعدنا تواجدك معنا يدا بيد و قلبا بقلب

لنسبح معا فى سماء الإبداع

ننتظر دخولك الآن
شبكة واحة العلوم الثقافية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

........ed Brotherhood (tradition and docile and illusion)

اذهب الى الأسفل

........ed Brotherhood (tradition and docile and illusion)  Empty ........ed Brotherhood (tradition and docile and illusion)

مُساهمة من طرف سامح عسكر الجمعة يناير 11, 2013 11:04 am

By: Sameh Askar

Suffer intellectual system within the group of ret tradition of the impact of blind obedience, imitation usually produces only administrative systems holistic exercise tyranny as conservative, thinking freely within the group is almost non-existent not only permitted within the framework of defending the group and its project, and this explains the lack of creators who Althvo abaya Brotherhood, work hard and creative requires first to get rid of illusions, I did not see in during my years with the group any attempt to monitor those fantasies in depth every human being, I think that once say that there illusion within the group endangering writer either sanctions or expulsion, and I remember when I was in the group that we were in the House of battalion and was lecturer is adviser "Hamid Mr." consultant and former industry minister, sat lecturer explains the concept of the lesson was about .. "unifying divinity and unify Deism" .. did not hesitate Counselor for dropping wretched of the concepts on the community so it seemed the fool before the world that قهقهه govern disbelief seemed to us that falling short in its unification whatever Raboubia or Olohia.

It's time questions have been long available to us - as students - is about half an hour, no more, made the question then inflicted job cash for the idea's main lecture and said that the division of unification has not been proven for righteous forebears and watered his evidence, and that the division if a position is idiomatic do not understand this Figure terrible and that reminds me of Sheikh Sayyid Qutb - may Allah have mercy on him - and cited the time the program was broadcast a few days ago for Sheikh Qaradawi, who recognized that the Sheikh Sayyid Qutb was not on the doctrine of the year in his life, and the man was externally Tkverria the impact of what has suffered ill-doom , and I said I have reservations on the opinion of al-Qaradawi, but his testimony must examined because I understand - and I'm the first time I hear of Mr. Lecturer - you say Kafr and ignorance our society .. This was a shortcut what happened to me then came paragraph Commenting and not without justification - as usual - but I noticed that denied saying that he says Kafr one and approach Brotherhood does not rule on the people and why not be the reason in أفهامنا we and our interpretation of things.

The fact I do not believe solidly no idea but once they are away from the fancy abstract, or come in the context of equity and dialectical .. The man that he and after being pressed preferred auditing and exile, and this behavior may route some politicians and jurists, but that route lecturer in the hall or in the house, it raises the question why was this lecture if?! .. What happened calls refer us to the era of Sheikh Sayyid Qutb and his taxonomic that gave rise to the most powerful groups of political violence in Egyptian history, if we said the same logic records that defect - all defect - in أفهامنا We our interpretation of things there is no need for ordinary and fools like me assignment, and why deny ourselves default either in the delivery of the right idea or lack of knowledge or the predominance of passion or tradition that we really want to face God and the Sunnah of His Messenger.

I do not want to recount what happened next in detail but, God willing, that we are exposed to death two or three months - on what I remember - Bhrmani attend battalion monthly, and I remember that I was to berate and River severe of Captain family and colleagues .. All the crimes I said my opinion frankly and clearly away from Tradition or sanctification, then was criticize any idea of ​​ideas, Dr. "Ali Laban," which we Ntdarcha week means that we are moving in the wrong direction, and I think that what he put Mr. Chancellor exists in our lessons that we receive from the tradition and docility Insurance .. Vahsp myself I hate docile The tradition I do not deny that I sometimes follow passion that is what we are suffering human beings collectively and witness in those who resist his desires and whims, not blind eye by fanatical and partisan Ankieda .. Valmqld blind as Ibn values ​​that fanatical بالهوى and imitator blind are not clique of scientists, even if people see them as well.

Says Abdalmamn Isfahani in his book "dishes gold" .. (such imitator interrogator's hands like blind between Baseer imminent, and like wise and visceral كالميتة and grilled, persuaded novel novel about der know-how, and what miserable جهالا imitated their parents understand the monuments Mguetdon, or if their parents do not understand something does not go aright) .. and talk Isfahani reminds me of the conditions of the Orientalists who Avjona on the reality of religious and intellectual without what we inherited from our parents at the beginning of the twentieth century, it was not an alien - before - will delve into the heritage of Muslims, but as soon as they enter made a shake-up in the consciousness of Muslims The intellectual elite in particular, I think the reason behind that they discussed the heritage of Muslims liberated mind for dependency and manageable, and that the words and concepts .. "Kqal advances or scholars are unanimously Oouhdtna SMB Oalhadh says" .. all this did not bother him because their thinking is not like us, I do not deny that much of what has reached Orientalists under consideration, and that the factor of language and culture stands sometimes an obstacle between text and interpretation between the base and interpretation between history and heritage .. and mix in many things between cash and response between acceptance and faith between the search of reference diligence of the right and the search of a victory for reference.

Finally crisis that I see within the Brotherhood - As we have mentioned before in several places - are part of the total comes from the culture and circumstances of the stage, and that the suffering of the Muslim Brotherhood suffers from the Arab community peek, فالتقليد feature stage in everything, even those who called themselves secular each mimics and confining itself to concepts and visions current or former, while I believe that imitation is the docility extension, and imitator - and the impact of fanaticism and rigidity - if criticized something Vinkd Question siding on the imperfections and Aldnaya and neglects his senses and his good deeds, and this is not the way of Ahl right thing, it is not Asking me a believer or a human being to walk on the ideas of so and so, even if entered a lizard's hole Fendkhalh then eliminating the freedom and become slaves to things that do not deserve

صفحتي على الفيس بوك

الحرية هي مطلب العُقلاء..ولكن من يجعل نفسه أسيراً لردود أفعال الآخرين فهو ليس حُرّاً....إصنع الهدف بنفسك ولا تنتظر عطف وشفقة الناس عليك..ولو كنت قويا ستنجح....سامح عسكر

سامح عسكر
سامح عسكر
المدير العام
المدير العام

........ed Brotherhood (tradition and docile and illusion)  Empty
الديانه : الاسلام
البلد : مصر
عدد المساهمات : 14253
نقاط : 28507
السٌّمعَة : 23
العمر : 44


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